Ready To Lead A Group?

So you decided to lead a Group, now what? 

  • This new season of Groups is going to be exciting in the ways we get to build community. We are praying that as you begin to lead others into deepening their relationship with God you would do it with an on mission mindset – seeking to build something that exists For Those Not Yet Here.
  • We want your Group to be successful, so we have some tips to help you lead confidently.

3 Ways to start a Group:

  • Find something that you are passionate about, it could be running, it could be cooking, it could be hiking, or anything in between. Once you have found that thing you enjoy, think through the ways you can actively invite others with a similar interest to join you.
  • Don’t stop there… Now that you have your uniting factor, how do you bring Jesus into it? Is your Group going to discuss the weekly sermon? Is your Group going to do a Bible plan? Do you have a book you want to read together? Finding out how you best want to lead and guide conversations that help everyone grow will be essential to your Group. That is the purpose for hosting a Group in the first place. It is your time to grow alongside one another using the curriculum you choose that is aligned with the mission of JRNY Church. 
  • Then take that idea and turn it to action! How is your Group going to be in and around the community you meet in? Are you going to meet together and serve somewhere in the community related to that interest? Are you inviting people to join your Group that you are meeting outside of church? The ways we are on mission in our communities beyond just Sundays will ultimately shape how successful your Group will be. We want to create a space for people to feel comfortable, and where finding a relationship with Jesus will feel normal and accessible for those that may not know Him. 

Success is a moving target, but when you put the Gospel into action through being focused on people, purpose, and mission you will begin to create lasting relationships that go far beyond a Group. 

A short bio goes here. And, yes, I mean short. This doesn't need to be a novel. Think of it as your 30 second elevator pitch, but instead of being IRL — it's on the internet at the bottom of your website. 

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